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The right to Clean & Safe drinking water was recognized as a human right by the United Nations and was included in the 2010 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It noted that Clean and Safe drinking water is an indispensable good for all!

Local access to clean water sources and sanitation, not only provide health conditions, it also provides more safety for women as well as children and young girls who are often victims of sexual assault on the long and unsecured road to fetching water on a daily basis.

Lack of clean drinking water and poor sanitary facilities are the main causes of worm-infected related illness and a higher rate of infant mortality in our communities today. Climate change has caused the local spring to be dried up, leaving only polluted ponds. Our people have no alternative than to drink and bathe from dirty water sources.

Photo shows our first phase of Water Project located at Ikot Akpakpan community in Oruk Anam Local Government. The project was successfully completed and commissioned in March 2016. It is operational and serves over 50,000 local dwellers daily. We are planning new boreholes in other communities to be equipped with Sustainable Solar System. The system would consider both economic and social ecological aspects.


Vision of the Afro-European Medical and Research Network (AEMRN)

The Network is a Non-Governmental and non-profit Organization with a strong vision of helping to improve the quality of life for people from and living in resource limited settings. Bern-Switzerland is the overall and European headquarters and Liberia is Africa’s Regional headquarters. Projects are initiated in various resource-limited countries especially Sub-Saharan Africa.

Members strive to contribute to the medical, mental, social, educational and every sound well-being of mankind irrespective of race, creed, beliefs, faith and social affiliation.

AEMRN serves as a platform wherein active professionals from such disciplines as education, medicine, engineering, nursing, faith-based can interact at various levels of self-initiated conferences, seminars, workshops, exchange programmes and voluntary workcamps.


ACAF International is also committed to provide meaningful life to street children and Orphans by assisting to secure good homes either by rental  and / or construction homes, maintenance thereof, and support of the existing housing programs.


The pictures here shows Pastor Ukoh, Acaf Executive Director distributing Eggs to mothers in Mbak Itam, Itu Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. This is a token of our efforts as we partner with AKENAI (Akwa Ibom Egg Nutrition Awareness Initiative), an Organisation/NGO managed by Mr. Moses Akpan to create a formidable task to promote awareness of the production, processing and consumption of eggs as a tool for eliminating malnutrition in children. It was another opportunity to participate on the World Egg Day.

Eggs are Full of Protein
Egg protein helps a child concentrate and focus better and give him/her a sustained energy for several hours afterward. Because of this, the Egg Initiative was born. And because Eggs are rich in Choline, an essential vitamin-like nutrient that helps to develop the brain and enhances memory.

As we would want smarter kids with better functioning brains in our community, we start to feed them with eggs on a daily basis. Therefore, we need support in this area to produce and distribute this essential rich food supplement to our children, especially those vulnerable living in local communities.


On 1 April 2016, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2016–2025 the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition.

The objective set out by the UN is truly clear to free all forms of malnutrition, maintain effective nutrition interventions and support the adoption of guidance and implementation of effective nutrition actions where all people achieve health and wellbeing.

Our Organisation (ACAF) took the lead and decided to work in collaboration with Elder Moses Akpan, the founder and Executive Director of a local NGO known as Cognito Resource Services based in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria to providing nutrition-related products that creates sustainable, resilient food systems for healthy diets especially for infants. Our Nigerian Coordinator in the person of Pastor Abasiono was in attendance as well as our able volunteer staff-members, Ms Mmaeyen Ukpong who, among others have invested time and energy for the event.

It all started at the Primary Health Centre, Abak on Wednesday, 19th July 2023 with a slogan “GIVING CHILDREN A HEALTHY START IN LIFE! 

It starts with us – together, we can make a difference.

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Every contribution counts. Whether you donate your time, resources, or expertise, you're an essential part of our mission.


c / o Mrs. Idongesit Inyang

Standstrasse 34 3014

Bern, Switzerland


T: +41 78810 7250
